Friday, September 2, 2011

Ready...Set...Go Collaborate!

What would your ministry look like if you were to collaborate with your ministry leaders? Some of the best untapped resources lie within your team members. Hand pick a few key leaders and remember, not every idea they come up with will be an earth shaking idea, however; it might be the idea that springboards you into another incredible idea.

We need to create an environment where our leaders feel safe and supported and ready to do the best job possible. How do we create an environment that is conducive to sharing brilliant ideas? I say "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"... Think about how you would like to feel in that environment and create just that.

You know you are in a creative environment when:

*Your ideas are listened to and investigated before being judged. Give your leaders an umbrella of mercy.

*You feel appreciated when you suggest new ideas.

*Your ministry leader spends time with you and explains the reasons & politics behind it.

*You are given the freedom to do your work in your own way with the best tools.

*Experimental methods are encouraged. It is ok to fail forward.

*You feel comfortable talking with anyone in your organization.

*There is someone that will listen to your ideas.

*The generation of good ideas is rewarded, verbally or otherwise.

*You are treated with respect and as someone who can contribute to the organization.

*You are appreciated for what you do.

*You are appreciated for who you are.

Your volunteers aren't any different than you. My two favorite chapters in a book called, Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon Mackenzie, is chapter ten: Containers Contain: you are confined... Contained in a box...find the grace to dance without stepping on toes...Don't build invisible walls...and Chapter nineteen:Orville Wright: Orville Wright did not have a pilot's license. I love that! Explore the possibilities! Be willing to let ideas free flow. Don't shut an idea down, just because it doesn't conform to the rules. Push the envelope. Give your leaders permission and an opportunity to be magnificent! Create an outline of what you are hoping to accomplish in your meeting. Prime the pump of ideas by giving your team leaders an agenda ahead of time. Are your ready? On Your Mark..Get Set...Go Collaborate!

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