Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh The Culture We Create...

I have been in ministry for 22 years. God has blessed me with some of the most amazing pastors to learn from during those years. Each time, when God moved me out from under a Pastor I grew to love, I was emotionally challenged. What I have come to understand is that God taught me through these Pastors specific to my future leadership needs.

When I served at Metro Life Church, I learned the Word of God as a new Christ Follower. I was like a sponge soaking up God's Word. I call these two years, my boot camp years. MLC is where I learned what God's Word was and how to apply it to my life.

Resurrection Life Church was a church where I learned about God's amazing Grace and Love for six incredible years.

Then, having the privilege to serve at New Community Church, where I learned the principles of leadership. Nine plus years steeped in leadership...leadership...leadership...

Lastly, to arrive at Church @ The Springs to implement all that I have learned. Those opportunities of learning and growth have empowered me to lead at a level I could never had led from as a new Christ Follower.

What I have come to realize is, that each time God placed me into a new ministry, I created a culture. I created a culture of what my knowledge was at the time. The culture I created however, would not allow me to implement new strategies or make changes, because I did not work that into my strategy.

Oh the culture we create...I once read, "You have what you lead", I am not sure who said it, but boy, isn't that the truth. So with that in mind, how do you create a culture where you can implement new strategies and growth opportunities? My present Pastor, Ron Sylvia, shares in our membership class that he fought for the word relevant in our vision statement, because he wanted to build change into the DNA of his ministry. We, as a church, would always be changing to meet the church of today. He says, "The Message will not change, however, the method must." That was incredible wisdom. That strategy gave him permission to make changes, try new things, stay relevant to the world today and to grow exponentially.

What is the culture you are creating with your present leadership? What culture would you like to create? Build it into the DNA of your ministry.

1 comment:

  1. Great post to see the phases God has led you through, and how they all contribute to what you do and who you are right now.
