Friday, November 8, 2013

Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Drowning?

In the summer of 1979, I almost drowned.    I remember looking up at the trees as I was underneath the water,  I was caught in an under current.  I thought how weird, I can clearly see where I want to go, but I just can't get there by my own strength.  I am stuck.  I need help!  I need someone to reach down, grab me and pull me to safety.  Thank Goodness, my closest friend's brother was just about to dive off the falls. He saw me caught in the under current, he dove in and pulled me to safety.

Do you feel stuck in the under current of ministry?  Can you clearly see where you want to go, but can't get there on your own?  Do you need someone to reach down and pull you up?  There are many people in ministry who are passionate about reach you and pulling you up.  There are systems you can put in place to help you stay afloat.  There is provision in having a mentor. Find a mentor.  If you don't know of anyone who could mentor you, ask God to provide you with a mentor.  He will be faithful to provide a Paul in you life, just as He did for Timothy.

Hold firmly to the true words that I taught you, as the example for you to follow, and remain in the faith and love that are ours in union with Christ Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, keep the good things that have been entrusted to you. (2 Timothy 1:13, 14 GNT)

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