Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Viewing Life Through 3E Glasses

When I am chatting with people, I am thinking in 3E. Not in 3D... but in 3E... How can I Encourage, Equip and Empower this person to do what God has available for them.

1. How can I Encourage them to serve in their passion.

2. How can I personally Equip them to be a success by connecting them with others, helping them find their passion, or taking their next step for growth.

3. Lastly, how can I Empower them to play out their new role. God has a part for everyone to play.

Most people need just a little Encouragement. Ask them good questions to help them search their hearts to help them find their passion. For example: Ask them what they wanted to be when they were in the fourth grade? What they do for a living? Or If they could do anything and time or money isn’t a consideration… what would they do? Who do they hang out with? What do they do for fun?

You have to be willing to invest in others. Equipping people is essential to their success. You cannot just dump someone in a place they have never been in before. You have to walk with them. Call them to see how you can help them. Sometimes prayer is all they need. At times, just knowing that you are their safety net, is all they need to take huge leaps forward. You must be willing to do what ever it takes to make them a success.

Empowering people to lead is probably the most incredible feeling. It is not all about you and your leadership. If you have encouraged someone to step out to lead; you have equip them to be a success, now let them go and watch them lead. Yes, they are going to make mistakes, help them by debriefing situations, relaunch them again, walk by their side. Give them the opportunity to “Fit”, “Function” and “Flourish.”

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